Posted on : May.8,2006 14:43 KST

South Korea's foreign minister on Wednesday dismissed as groundless media reports that the latest military deal between Japan and the United States would lead to a major change in American troops' role in the event of a conflict on the Korean Peninsula.

"There will be no change in the supporting role of U.S. troops in Japan in the event of an emergency situation on the Korean Peninsula," Ban Ki-moon told reporters.

There is little to be gained from being excessively concerned about the possible impact of the agreement, he added.

Ban's remarks came in response to media speculation that Monday's deal between Tokyo and Washington, which paved the way for the two allies' closer ties, may weaken Seoul-Washington military ties.

Wrapping up their annual Cabinet-level security talks in the U.S. capital, the U.S. and Japan agreed to bolster their military alliance and streamline American forces in Japan through the overhaul of U.S. bases there.

They also pledged closer coordination in the development and deployment of ballistic missile defense systems and information sharing.

Ban said that it will reinforce the linkage between Japan's Self Defense Forces and the U.S. troops in Japan, but it does not mean a consolidation of their military controls.

"I expect the deal to work in the direction of making contributions to peace in Northeast Asia," he said. (Seoul=Yonhap News Agency)

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