Posted on : Oct.28,2019 17:45 KST

Handong Global University, a private Christian university in Pohang, North Gyeongsang Province, has come under fire for its marriage center that encourages students to get married and have children as quickly as possible. In an interview with the Hankyoreh, Handong Global University President Chang Soon-heung said, “We advise students to get married and have children as quickly as possible. We also educate them on traditional family values and the importance of having children and sustaining life, which is just as important as one’s career or promotion,” adding, “We have never aimed to force students into marrying.” The student body, however, has criticized the center as outdated and disconnected from the economic realities that have led to an increasing number of young South Koreans who’ve chosen to forego marriage and having children. One student, 24, commented, “At most, students will spend around 10 years in school, but they expect us to make a lifelong decision based on a little school support.”

  • 오피니언


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